Monday, 11 November 2013

Zone Squad Land Day

My first day in the Squad -  I made sure to wear my VR Race Team jacket and all my friends were impressed  
We got to meet our coaches, Duncan & Lyn and Chris our  High Performance Manager who told us all about the squad and the RYA's World Class Pyramid Programme.
Afterwards our parents were sent off to their own briefing and we went to the gym and had our private coach to squad briefing to work out our squad contracts as a team. 
Because the weather was so harsh and waves were being blown over the top of the RIB pontoons we stayed inside and had lunch before we went into a boat setup session to improve our race performance.
New things today were lessons on physio from Isy who told us all about posture and from Chris all about Fitness, Nutrition and Hydration. 
We played a game about nutrition to end the day and the coaches all wished us good luck for the squad training and our first training at Chew Valley Lake.